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"Don't go swing it around too much."


" Don't hurt yourself!"


Sledgehammer is an Item that destroys all pots in a room once no enemies remain. It automatically takes effect in rooms generated without enemies.


Sledgehammer is a great time saver, preventing the need to slowly destroy them one at a time, making money and health more accessible overall. It's incredibly beneficial for backtracking through rooms, especially when playing as Digby where spending time to manually destroy pots risks losing his combo.


  • Shiny Pocket Watch - If the player is quick, it can allow large amounts of golden pots to appear and be destroyed.
  • Half Heart Locket - Makes Heart pots appear more often, allowing for hypothetically more hearts from the pots.


  • Sledgehammer could possibly be a reference to the mallet in the arcade Donkey Kong, albeit an incredibly vague reference.