Funky Syringe

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Funky Syringe is an Item that increases the player's damage and attack speed by 50%, essentially resulting in a 2x multiplier on their single-target damage.


This item is nearly game-breaking, as having even one can trivialize the challenge of runs up to and including X Must Die difficulty. Though it is rare to find, requiring either careful play while holding Toilet Paper, luck to find both Toilet Paper and Wet Wipes, or a random roll in a regular Challenge Room, it's never recommended to pass on this item if it appears in a run.

See Also

  • Roids, another damage-boosting item with similar narrative flavor.


  • Funky Syringe's description text wiggles and is in rainbow.
  • Funky Syringe references under-the-table trading and use of steroids in gyms, athletic sports and other non-medical contexts. Steroidal supplements are illegal to sell for regular use in many countries, and most competitive environments ban the use of performance-enhancing substances, resulting in some trading and using steroids from unverified sources. This can unfortunately result in transmission of HIV and other blood-borne illnesses if the needles used aren't properly sterilized.